Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the best day ever : part 1 "seriously about to cry"

one time i went to this ysa conference in oakland. it was super fun! we sang karaoke, danced, and learned. i loved it!

highlight reel includes : napa ysa singing bohemian rhaposdy karaoke at the top of our lungs, dancing like fools, seeing natalie and jessica, sleeping over at ashley's house with ashley and michelle, and so much more.

{yeah, i know. i can't believe it actually happened either. but i sang karaoke. WHAT. i know, so unlike me. i will sing for myself and around other people...but never in front of. what has gotten into me?!}

so yep. i saw natalie and jessica there. seriously about to cry. * natalie is one of my amazing friends from freshman year at byu. i was her visiting teacher and we got to know each other really well. jessica was her roommate. good ol' penrose :) the three of us have kept in really good contact - through 4 hour lunch dates playing imaginary ping pong and talking for hours in the library instead of studying french... - and it just so happened that jessica was visiting natalie from idaho. soon a plan was set into action and on monday morning i found myself driving to dublin (not ireland) to go play!

so we had a picnic lunch at the park...

and fell asleep under a tree...

and played in the clover...

and drank boba (smoothies with tapioca)...

and were just so dang happy in our accidentally matching yellow shirts!!

it was so great to see these two ladies! both of them are putting in their mission papers, and i couldn't be more proud of them. i can't wait to hear where they are going! seriously about to cry, they better tell me where they are going!!

* "seriously about to cry" is a phrase that natalie and i like to use all the time. i have a friend on facebook who really enjoys the dramatic statuses and posted something about "seriously about to cry" once. when natalie and i were at the airport after fall semester finals, we found the status. and after that we weren't seriously about to cry, we were crying. and so now we say it all the time. maybe you had to be there. but seriously, it's hilarious.

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