Tuesday, January 24, 2012

brick oven pizza

ok...so this happened last thursday. but it's a story that is worth telling. i can't believe i forgot to post about it! it's not going to be the typical list because it's just one story, but i promise it's good :)

so last thursday, i walked to school and got to my first class. as i sat down, of course my mind wandered to lunch (where else would it go?), and i realized that i forgot to pack myself a lunch. tragedy.

fast forward to the break i have between french and marriage prep. it's two and a half hours long. the perfect length to eat something and do a bit of homework. so i decide to see what kind of cash i have for some trail mix or something from the vending machines. tragedy struck again as i realized i had left my wallet at home.

now i was stranded in the jkb with a growling tummy and no money to purchase a snack. i sadly sat outside my marriage prep class, waiting for the class that was in session to be let out. i started doing homework, but couldn't really concentrate on it because let me tell you, when i get hungry, i can't really do much of anything except think about food.

then, suddenly, two professors stepped out of a classroom holding boxes of brick oven pizza. BRICK OVEN PIZZA. they walked up and down the hall, offering the leftover pizza to the starving student. i can't tell you how many times i said thank you or how big my smile was. or how happy my tummy was to eat some of that amazing hawaiian pizza. 

and that is how i got free brick oven pizza for lunch on thursday. it reminds me of this quote from spencer w. kimball:

"god does notice us, and he watches over us. but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."

it would have been so easy for those professors to take home or throw out the five or six slices of pizza they had left. instead, they decided to give them away. i don't know if they were inspired to do that, or if they had been planning on doing it all along, but whatever the reason, it showed me just how conscious of our needs heavenly father really is. i didn't ask him to have two professors bring me pizza from brick oven, but he knew i needed it, as did all the other students sitting in the hall. i'm grateful that he keeps his eye on me and met my needs through those two professors. hurray for pizza, nice professors, and a loving father in heaven :)

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