Tuesday, November 29, 2011

my life. which mostly consists of school. and homework. and the library.

1. extended hours at the library
even though this means it's time for finals...it means i get to play in the library for a long time. and because i'm a nerd, that makes me happy. oh, and ps i saw a guy walk into the library today with a pillow. kind of brilliant...kind of sad...because it's so true. you need a pillow in there during finals prep.
it was nice of them to make it look pretty
2. check lists and planners
today i kept myself sane with a checklist. it worked quite well. i'm grateful for those.

today's checklist. ignore that it's backwards. also i should have ticked two more boxes...but my backpack is really far away and i didn't want to reach for my pen. also ignore the nooch in the background.

3. class with amber
class with amber is the best. we sit next to each other. we discuss things. sometimes not class related. but that's ok. also she scratches my back for me and i don't even have to ask her. she knows me so well.

4. french
hello, favorite class ever. i love my professor. i love my classmates. i love the subject. the end.

5. "road to heaven: pilgrimage through southern france" a lecture by dr. jesse hurlbut
this was cool. dr hurlbut is in charge of the study abroad that i really want to go on next fall, and he was talking about all the places that we would go see. he described the history and significance of the pilgrimage, and showed us photographs of all the cathedrals and places of importance along the trail from le puy-en-velay to saint jacques de compostelle (santiago de compostella in the north of spain).

this is a cathedral built on top of an inactive volcano in le puy. pretty amazing stuff.

6. visiting teaching
tonight kailey and i went visiting teaching. we talked with rylie for a good long time! i love both those girls. it's always fun to just chat and take a break from homework.

speaking of which...i should get on that. wish me luck, everyone! it's gonna be a loooong night.

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