Monday, June 11, 2012

pablo the toad and other adventures

i don't really even know what to blog about.'s been a while, so here i am! what's happened in the past week and a half...i don't even know. a lot?

i stole some gnomes (and a lizard and pig thing) with my friend zach who just got home from his mission.
we took them from a friend's house, don't worry. and we returned them, of course...

at the dog park

scaring all the little kids

frye's printing

eating tacos

we also got tortas at one of the taco trucks in napa.

i played ultimate frisbee with the singles ward. and ate pizza.

nate made a good pass even on crutches

nate and jill

hahaha best photo of the night. nate and i just watching the frisbee while everyone else is actually playing.


gosh, i love that maddy cope girl and her man pants.

i made 200 baby cupcakes with michelle for cammie and jake's reception.

my after-school cookie from michelle :)

bucket list : eat teddy grahams dipped in confetti frosting. he's in a little jacuzzi.

italian buttercreammmmmm


it was cupcake central. wilton got their math wrong hahaha!

so many cupcakes. out our ears cupcakes.

i helped set up for the reception and was in charge of the dessert table. it turned out pretty well, i think!

cammie and jacob had teacups as gifts. super cute idea.

dessert table, minus some of the chocolate cupcakes, and minus the wedding cake.

i partied a little too hard with steph at the reception. with martinelli's people! martinelli's!

we drank an entire bottle and it was awesome.

i colored in steph's driveway just like old times.

It's ROYGBIV, right? Oops. I think I went back to blue. Now it's ROYGBIB." -ZWag

i went to the beach with the mutzes and the easley's before cammie and jake moved to hawaii.

leaping on the beach

i look like a mountain goat

i tell cammie she is the sunshine of my life. she tells me she loves me and kisses my cheek. it's a good friendship we've got going.

love this couple.

i got locked in the pigeon cage at zach's house.

the pidges didn't like me very much.

i played mini golf and caught a toad named pablo with steph, zach, and nate. it's so fun to have friends home from their missions.
zach's golf ball hit mine and i got...well not a hole in one, but i got it in 2 hits.
pablo the toad

and i've worked. lots of work and some babysitting, too.

it's been a good week and a half.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! I feel like you had more to say than you thought. Also, I feel like I got stories behind your instagram that's good! Love you! I'm glad that you are having a fun summer! :)
