Saturday, April 14, 2012

what i like about finals week

ok so finals kind of stinks...but i have still found things that make me smile. ready? here i go.

1. finding funny quotes scribbled in my class notes (that was not an intentional rhyme.) i found this quote from a girl i was sitting next to in marriage prep, in regards to "that kid" in the class who always had really articulate things to say.
"he makes me feel like life is a big math problem on a white board."

2. and continuing on with marriage prep, i aced my final, which clearly means i am ready to get married. so hurry up, eligible suitors! i mean really. (i hope you can sense the sarcasm in this.)

3. instagram. i had no idea people followed each other on instagram until this week. yes, i most certainly am a little slow in the whole social media thing. but i have a facebook, a blog, and a pinterest account. what more does a girl need, really? well apparently instagram. and now i'm hooked. whoops.

4.  food from my aunt maryn. every finals week, she brings me some uh-mazing gnocchi from la dolce vita (a little italian restaurant here in provo). it's so yummy, and it makes me and my tummy very happy.

5. bijou market. oh. my. gosh. it was this amazing vintage and handmade market bazaar thing that my friend shelby told me about. so today shelby, steph, and i hit it up. and when i say hit it up, i mean i bought a lot of really cool things. like a watercolor of the oakland temple that i'm obsessed with. and a necklace that matches a ring that i have. and a print of a poster that says "i wish they all could be california girls." when we walked in, steph and i said to each other, "these are our people." i was so happy and wanted to stay there for hours and hours and hours. but alas, other things had to be done.

6. so now we move on to study groups. i love study groups because 1) you get studying done, and 2) you get to talk about life with friends. we just had a study sesh for french and it was actually really helpful, and we got a lot of other talking done, too. very good, very good. also, if you haven't seen my friend brittany's blog, please check it out. it's a good one.

7. getting sleep. last night i got some really good sleep. like i haven't slept that well in a long time. and for that i am grateful.

here are some photos from the past week!

my friend kiefer and i. last physical science lecture EVER and we were so so happy.

karen's car decided to stop wouldn't move out of park. lame.

last day of foundations of education. party!!

animal mask photo shoot with mike and jim.


being fashionable as always.

michael fell asleep during our 7 hour library marathon last night. finals are hard.

kiefer making physcial science reviews SO much better.

heather and i keeping things interesting by writing with our right hands. which are our wrong hands. if that made any sense.

i opened up my computer and found this. it's a thing of beauty.

good luck on finals, everyone!

ps. new layout? yay? nay?

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