Saturday, December 10, 2011

no time to explain! grab a cactus!

holy guacamole! so on blogger, there is this app where you can see how many times your blog has been viewed. and do you know what number i'm up to? guess. okay, i'll tell you. 873. eight hundred and seventy-three. that is a lot of times since i started this. cool. well, here's my day!

1. easy spanish final
my spanish final, believe it or not, was only 50 questions that were matching and true or false about 'la dama del alba' (that play i mentioned a few posts back). i was done in 20 minutes! but then i got nervous and checked the whole thing over 4 times (maybe i'm a little ocd?) so i was actually in the testing center for like 45 minutes total. it was a beautiful thing.

2. walmart
walmart in provo is a wonderful place. in california...not so much. but here, we love it. they have everything - they fix karen's car, they have the food i like for cheap, they have awesome birthday presents for steph...what?

3. the chocolate
ok. so there is this place in orem called the chocolate. i don't know how to explain it except pure bliss. heather and i shared a kazookie (yeah, i know, i want to call it a pazookie, too) that was half peanut butter cookie, half chocolate chip cookie, with a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. karen and chelsey (karen's roommate from last year) shared a chocolate chip and white chocolate macadamia nut kazookie. we were all very very happy.

holy kazookie

we were happy

4. memes
background: heather and i were on a date with harold. (this would be a night at the harold b. lee library.) story: so on the internet, there are these photo/image based jokes with captions...and they are hilarious. this one i accidentally found on facebook while i was supposed to be studying in the library. i may or may not have snorted. and then cried. and then squeaked. and then been annoying to all those around me. heather laughed just as hard. it was great.

this meme...
made me cry. notice the mascara, people.

5. reenacting the greatest library moment ever
so last year, my roommates, david, and i were all at the library together one night. we saw this guy completely passed out in his text book, and we thought it was the best thing ever. i was clever enough to take a picture on my phone. we later saw him using the tiniest laptop we have ever seen (we're talking like a 7 inch screen here, people), so we decided to tell him we thought it was the cutest laptop ever. heather wrote him a note. she passed it to him. he looked at us like we were idiots. he whispered, "it's a translator." we all laughed. he then sent the note back to us, with his comments back to us. it simply said, "you guys are weird." so today in the library, heather and i decided to be "weird."

the guy on the right is our best friend. heather and i are "weird." i'm cool and made this on my phone.

oh, and ps, when heather speed walks, i have to jog to keep up with her. it's kinda funny. but also kinda sad.

have a happy sunday tomorrow! :)

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